FreeBSD VuXML: Documenting security issues in FreeBSD and the FreeBSD Ports Collection

sendmail -- race condition vulnerability

Affected packages
8.13 < sendmail < 8.13.6
6.0 <= FreeBSD < 6.0_6
5.4 <= FreeBSD < 5.4_13
5.3 <= FreeBSD < 5.3_28
4.11 <= FreeBSD < 4.11_16
4.10 <= FreeBSD < 4.10_22


VuXML ID 08ac7b8b-bb30-11da-b2fb-000e0c2e438a
Discovery 2006-03-22
Entry 2006-03-24
Modified 2006-06-09

Problem Description

A race condition has been reported to exist in the handling by sendmail of asynchronous signals.


A remote attacker may be able to execute arbitrary code with the privileges of the user running sendmail, typically root.


There is no known workaround other than disabling sendmail.


CVE Name CVE-2006-0058
FreeBSD Advisory SA-06:13.sendmail