MFSA 2012-01 Miscellaneous memory safety hazards (rv:10.0/
MFSA 2012-02 Overly permissive IPv6 literal syntax
MFSA 2012-03 iframe element exposed across domains via name
MFSA 2012-04 Child nodes from nsDOMAttribute still accessible
after removal of nodes
MFSA 2012-05 Frame scripts calling into untrusted objects bypass
security checks
MFSA 2012-06 Uninitialized memory appended when encoding icon
images may cause information disclosure
MFSA 2012-07 Potential Memory Corruption When Decoding Ogg Vorbis
MFSA 2012-08 Crash with malformed embedded XSLT stylesheets
MFSA 2012-09 Firefox Recovery Key.html is saved with unsafe