FreeBSD VuXML: Documenting security issues in FreeBSD and the FreeBSD Ports Collection

subversion -- WebDAV fails to protect metadata

Affected packages
subversion < 1.0.8
subversion-perl < 1.0.8
subversion-python < 1.0.8


VuXML ID 184f5d0b-0fe8-11d9-8a8a-000c41e2cdad
Discovery 2004-09-15
Entry 2004-09-26

In some situations, subversion metadata may be unexpectedly disclosed via WebDAV. A subversion advisory states:

mod_authz_svn, the Apache httpd module which does path-based authorization on Subversion repositories, is not correctly protecting all metadata on unreadable paths.

This security issue is not about revealing the contents of protected files: it only reveals metadata about protected areas such as paths and log messages. This may or may not be important to your organization, depending on how you're using path-based authorization, and the sensitivity of the metadata.


CVE Name CVE-2004-0749