FreeBSD VuXML: Documenting security issues in FreeBSD and the FreeBSD Ports Collection

py-matrix-synapse -- malicious push rules may be used for a denial of service attack.

Affected packages
py36-matrix-synapse < 1.33.2
py37-matrix-synapse < 1.33.2
py38-matrix-synapse < 1.33.2
py39-matrix-synapse < 1.33.2


VuXML ID 278561d7-b261-11eb-b788-901b0e934d69
Discovery 2021-05-11
Entry 2021-05-11

Matrix developers report:

"Push rules" can specify conditions under which they will match, including event_match, which matches event content against a pattern including wildcards. Certain patterns can cause very poor performance in the matching engine, leading to a denial-of-service when processing moderate length events.


CVE Name CVE-2021-29471