MFSA 2012-57 Miscellaneous memory safety hazards (rv:15.0/
MFSA 2012-58 Use-after-free issues found using Address
MFSA 2012-59 Location object can be shadowed using
MFSA 2012-60 Escalation of privilege through about:newtab
MFSA 2012-61 Memory corruption with bitmap format images with
negative height
MFSA 2012-62 WebGL use-after-free and memory corruption
MFSA 2012-63 SVG buffer overflow and use-after-free issues
MFSA 2012-64 Graphite 2 memory corruption
MFSA 2012-65 Out-of-bounds read in format-number in XSLT
MFSA 2012-66 HTTPMonitor extension allows for remote debugging
without explicit activation
MFSA 2012-67 Installer will launch incorrect executable following
new installation
MFSA 2012-68 DOMParser loads linked resources in extensions when
parsing text/html
MFSA 2012-69 Incorrect site SSL certificate data display
MFSA 2012-70 Location object security checks bypassed by chrome
MFSA 2012-71 Insecure use of __android_log_print
MFSA 2012-72 Web console eval capable of executing
chrome-privileged code