MFSA 2015-134 Miscellaneous memory safety hazards
(rv:43.0 / rv:38.5)
MFSA 2015-135 Crash with JavaScript variable assignment
with unboxed objects
MFSA 2015-136 Same-origin policy violation using
perfomance.getEntries and history navigation
MFSA 2015-137 Firefox allows for control characters to be
set in cookies
MFSA 2015-138 Use-after-free in WebRTC when datachannel
is used after being destroyed
MFSA 2015-139 Integer overflow allocating extremely large
MFSA 2015-140 Cross-origin information leak through web
workers error events
MFSA 2015-141 Hash in data URI is incorrectly parsed
MFSA 2015-142 DOS due to malformed frames in HTTP/2
MFSA 2015-143 Linux file chooser crashes on malformed
images due to flaws in Jasper library
MFSA 2015-144 Buffer overflows found through code
MFSA 2015-145 Underflow through code inspection
MFSA 2015-146 Integer overflow in MP4 playback in 64-bit
MFSA 2015-147 Integer underflow and buffer overflow
processing MP4 metadata in libstagefright
MFSA 2015-148 Privilege escalation vulnerabilities in
WebExtension APIs
MFSA 2015-149 Cross-site reading attack through data and
view-source URIs