FreeBSD VuXML: Documenting security issues in FreeBSD and the FreeBSD Ports Collection

zeek -- potential DoS vulnerabilities

Affected packages
zeek < 6.0.2


VuXML ID 386a14bb-1a21-41c6-a2cf-08d79213379b
Discovery 2023-10-27
Entry 2023-10-27

Tim Wojtulewicz of Corelight reports:

A specially-crafted SSL packet could cause Zeek to leak memory and potentially crash.

A specially-crafted series of FTP packets could cause Zeek to log entries for requests that have already been completed, using resources unnecessarily and potentially causing Zeek to lose other traffic.

A specially-crafted series of SSL packets could cause Zeek to output a very large number of unnecessary alerts for the same record.

A specially-crafted series of SSL packets could cause Zeek to generate very long ssl_history fields in the ssl.log, potentially using a large amount of memory due to unbounded state growth

A specially-crafted IEEE802.11 packet could cause Zeek to overflow memory and potentially crash
