FreeBSD VuXML: Documenting security issues in FreeBSD and the FreeBSD Ports Collection

mysql -- MyISAM table privileges security bypass vulnerability

Affected packages
6.0 <= mysql-server < 6.0.5
5.1 <= mysql-server < 5.1.24
5.0 <= mysql-server < 5.0.67
4.1 <= mysql-server < 4.1.22_1


VuXML ID 388d9ee4-7f22-11dd-a66a-0019666436c2
Discovery 2008-05-05
Entry 2008-09-10
Modified 2008-10-10

SecurityFocus reports:

MySQL is prone to a security-bypass vulnerability. An attacker can exploit this issue to overwrite existing table files in the MySQL data directory, bypassing certain security restrictions.


Bugtraq ID 29106
CVE Name CVE-2008-2079