FreeBSD VuXML: Documenting security issues in FreeBSD and the FreeBSD Ports Collection

Django -- Content spoofing possibility in the default 404 page

Affected packages
py27-django111 < 1.11.18
py35-django111 < 1.11.18
py36-django111 < 1.11.18
py37-django111 < 1.11.18
py35-django20 < 2.0.10
py36-django20 < 2.0.10
py37-django20 < 2.0.10
py35-django21 < 2.1.5
py36-django21 < 2.1.5
py37-django21 < 2.1.5


VuXML ID 3e41c1a6-10bc-11e9-bd85-fcaa147e860e
Discovery 2019-01-03
Entry 2019-01-05

Django security releases issued reports:

An attacker could craft a malicious URL that could make spoofed content appear on the default page generated by the django.views.defaults.page_not_found() view.


CVE Name CVE-2019-3498