FreeBSD VuXML: Documenting security issues in FreeBSD and the FreeBSD Ports Collection

FreeBSD -- ntpd mode 7 denial of service

Affected packages
6.3 <= FreeBSD < 6.3_15
6.4 <= FreeBSD < 6.4_9
7.1 <= FreeBSD < 7.1_10
7.2 <= FreeBSD < 7.2_6
8.0 <= FreeBSD < 8.0_2


VuXML ID 48103b0a-ca3f-11df-aade-0050568f000c
Discovery 2010-01-06
Entry 2010-10-24
Modified 2016-08-09

Problem Description:

If ntpd receives a mode 7 (MODE_PRIVATE) request or error response from a source address not listed in either a 'restrict ... noquery' or a 'restrict ... ignore' section it will log the even and send a mode 7 error response.


FreeBSD Advisory SA-10:02.ntpd