FreeBSD VuXML: Documenting security issues in FreeBSD and the FreeBSD Ports Collection

django -- multiple vulnerabilities

Affected packages
1.6 <= py26-django < 1.6.3
1.6 <= py27-django < 1.6.3
1.6 <= py31-django < 1.6.3
1.6 <= py32-django < 1.6.3
1.6 <= py33-django < 1.6.3
1.6 <= py34-django < 1.6.3
1.5 <= py26-django15 < 1.5.6
1.5 <= py27-django15 < 1.5.6
1.5 <= py31-django15 < 1.5.6
1.5 <= py32-django15 < 1.5.6
1.5 <= py33-django15 < 1.5.6
1.5 <= py34-django15 < 1.5.6
1.4 <= py26-django14 < 1.4.11
1.4 <= py27-django14 < 1.4.11
1.4 <= py31-django14 < 1.4.11
1.4 <= py32-django14 < 1.4.11
1.4 <= py33-django14 < 1.4.11
1.4 <= py34-django14 < 1.4.11
py26-django-devel < 20140423,1
py27-django-devel < 20140423,1


VuXML ID 59e72db2-cae6-11e3-8420-00e0814cab4e
Discovery 2014-04-21
Entry 2014-04-23
Modified 2014-04-30

The Django project reports:

These releases address an unexpected code-execution issue, a caching issue which can expose CSRF tokens and a MySQL typecasting issue. While these issues present limited risk and may not affect all Django users, we encourage all users to evaluate their own risk and upgrade as soon as possible.


CVE Name CVE-2014-0472
CVE Name CVE-2014-0473
CVE Name CVE-2014-0474