FreeBSD VuXML: Documenting security issues in FreeBSD and the FreeBSD Ports Collection

sympa - Security flaws in setuid wrappers

Affected packages
sympa < 6.2.56


VuXML ID 61bc44ce-9f5a-11ea-aff3-f8b156c2bfe9
Discovery 2020-05-24
Entry 2020-05-26

A vulnerability has been discovered in Sympa web interface by which attacker can execute arbitrary code with root privileges. Sympa uses two sorts of setuid wrappers:

The FastCGI wrappers wwsympa-wrapper.fcgi and sympa_soap_server-wrapper.fcgi were used to make the web interface running under privileges of a dedicated user.

The newaliases wrapper (sympa_newaliases-wrapper) allows Sympa to update the alias database with root privileges.

Since these setuid wrappers did not clear environment variables, if environment variables like PERL5LIB were injected, forged code might be loaded and executed under privileges of setuid-ed users.
