FreeBSD VuXML: Documenting security issues in FreeBSD and the FreeBSD Ports Collection

salt -- Insecure configuration of PAM external authentication service

Affected packages
py27-salt < 2015.5.10
2015.8.0 <= py27-salt < 2015.8.8
py32-salt < 2015.5.10
2015.8.0 <= py32-salt < 2015.8.8
py33-salt < 2015.5.10
2015.8.0 <= py33-salt < 2015.8.8
py34-salt < 2015.5.10
2015.8.0 <= py34-salt < 2015.8.8
py35-salt < 2015.5.10
2015.8.0 <= py35-salt < 2015.8.8


VuXML ID 6d25c306-f3bb-11e5-92ce-002590263bf5
Discovery 2016-03-17
Entry 2016-03-27

SaltStack reports:

This issue affects all Salt versions prior to 2015.8.8/2015.5.10 when PAM external authentication is enabled. This issue involves passing an alternative PAM authentication service with a command that is sent to LocalClient, enabling the attacker to bypass the configured authentication service.


CVE Name CVE-2016-3176