FreeBSD VuXML: Documenting security issues in FreeBSD and the FreeBSD Ports Collection

bugzilla -- multiple vulnerabilities

Affected packages
2.20.* <= bugzilla < 2.22.3
3.* <= bugzilla < 3.0.1
2.20.* <= ja-bugzilla < 2.22.3
3.* <= ja-bugzilla < 3.0.1


VuXML ID 75231c63-f6a2-499d-8e27-787773bda284
Discovery 2007-08-23
Entry 2007-09-21

A Bugzilla Security Advisory reports:

This advisory covers three security issues that have recently been fixed in the Bugzilla code:

We strongly advise that 2.20.x and 2.22.x users should upgrade to 2.20.5 and 2.22.3 respectively. 3.0 users, and users of 2.18.x or below, should upgrade to 3.0.1.


Bugtraq ID 25425
CVE Name CVE-2007-4538
CVE Name CVE-2007-4539
CVE Name CVE-2007-4543