FreeBSD VuXML: Documenting security issues in FreeBSD and the FreeBSD Ports Collection

NodeJS -- Vulnerabilities

Affected packages
21.0.0 <= node < 21.6.2
20.0.0 <= node < 20.11.1
18.0.0 <= node < 18.19.1
16.0.0 <= node < 16.20.3
16.0.0 <= node16 < 16.20.3
18.0.0 <= node18 < 18.19.1
20.0.0 <= node20 < 20.11.1
21.0.0 <= node21 < 21.6.2


VuXML ID 77a6f1c9-d7d2-11ee-bb12-001b217b3468
Discovery 2024-02-14
Entry 2024-03-01

Node.js reports:

Code injection and privilege escalation through Linux capabilities- (High)

http: Reading unprocessed HTTP request with unbounded chunk extension allows DoS attacks- (High)

Path traversal by monkey-patching Buffer internals- (High)

setuid() does not drop all privileges due to io_uring - (High)

Node.js is vulnerable to the Marvin Attack (timing variant of the Bleichenbacher attack against PKCS#1 v1.5 padding) - (Medium)

Multiple permission model bypasses due to improper path traversal sequence sanitization - (Medium)

Improper handling of wildcards in --allow-fs-read and --allow-fs-write (Medium)

Denial of Service by resource exhaustion in fetch() brotli decoding - (Medium)


CVE Name CVE-2023-46809
CVE Name CVE-2024-21890
CVE Name CVE-2024-21891
CVE Name CVE-2024-21892
CVE Name CVE-2024-21896
CVE Name CVE-2024-22017
CVE Name CVE-2024-22019
CVE Name CVE-2024-22025