FreeBSD VuXML: Documenting security issues in FreeBSD and the FreeBSD Ports Collection

jenkins -- multiple vulnerabilities

Affected packages
jenkins <= 1.650
jenkins-lts <= 1.642.2


VuXML ID 7e01df39-db7e-11e5-b937-00e0814cab4e
Discovery 2016-02-24
Entry 2016-02-25

Jenkins Security Advisory:


SECURITY-232 / CVE-2016-0788(Remote code execution vulnerability in remoting module)

A vulnerability in the Jenkins remoting module allowed unauthenticated remote attackers to open a JRMP listener on the server hosting the Jenkins master process, which allowed arbitrary code execution.

SECURITY-238 / CVE-2016-0789(HTTP response splitting vulnerability)

An HTTP response splitting vulnerability in the CLI command documentation allowed attackers to craft Jenkins URLs that serve malicious content.

SECURITY-241 / CVE-2016-0790(Non-constant time comparison of API token)

The verification of user-provided API tokens with the expected value did not use a constant-time comparison algorithm, potentially allowing attackers to use statistical methods to determine valid API tokens using brute-force methods.

SECURITY-245 / CVE-2016-0791(Non-constant time comparison of CSRF crumbs)

The verification of user-provided CSRF crumbs with the expected value did not use a constant-time comparison algorithm, potentially allowing attackers to use statistical methods to determine valid CSRF crumbs using brute-force methods.

SECURITY-247 / CVE-2016-0792(Remote code execution through remote API)

Jenkins has several API endpoints that allow low-privilege users to POST XML files that then get deserialized by Jenkins. Maliciously crafted XML files sent to these API endpoints could result in arbitrary code execution.
