FreeBSD VuXML: Documenting security issues in FreeBSD and the FreeBSD Ports Collection

PuTTY - old-style scp downloads may allow remote code execution

Affected packages
putty < 0.67


VuXML ID 7f0fbb30-e462-11e5-a3f3-080027ef73ec
Discovery 2016-02-26
Entry 2016-03-07

Simon G. Tatham reports:

Many versions of PSCP prior to 0.67 have a stack corruption vulnerability in their treatment of the 'sink' direction (i.e. downloading from server to client) of the old-style SCP protocol.

In order for this vulnerability to be exploited, the user must connect to a malicious server and attempt to download any file.[...] you can work around it in a vulnerable PSCP by using the -sftp option to force the use of the newer SFTP protocol, provided your server supports that protocol.


CVE Name CVE-2016-2563