MFSA 2013-93 Miscellaneous memory safety hazards (rv:25.0 /
rv:24.1 / rv:17.0.10)
MFSA 2013-94 Spoofing addressbar though SELECT element
MFSA 2013-95 Access violation with XSLT and uninitialized data
MFSA 2013-96 Improperly initialized memory and overflows in some
JavaScript functions
MFSA 2013-97 Writing to cycle collected object during image
MFSA 2013-98 Use-after-free when updating offline cache
MFSA 2013-99 Security bypass of PDF.js checks using iframes
MFSA 2013-100 Miscellaneous use-after-free issues found through
ASAN fuzzing
MFSA 2013-101 Memory corruption in workers
MFSA 2013-102 Use-after-free in HTML document templates