FreeBSD VuXML: Documenting security issues in FreeBSD and the FreeBSD Ports Collection

tomcat -- multiple vulnerabilities

Affected packages
4.1.0 <= apache-tomcat < 4.1.36
6.0.0 < apache-tomcat < 6.0.11
5.0.0 < tomcat < 5.5.23
4.0.0 <= jakarta-tomcat < 4.1.0
5.0.0 < jakarta-tomcat < 5.5.23


VuXML ID 872623af-39ec-11dc-b8cc-000fea449b8a
Discovery 2007-04-27
Entry 2007-07-24

Apache Project reports:

The Apache Tomcat team is proud to announce the immediate availability of Tomcat 4.1.36 stable. This build contains numerous library updates, A small number of bug fixes and two important security fixes.


CVE Name CVE-2005-2090
CVE Name CVE-2007-0450
CVE Name CVE-2007-1358