FreeBSD VuXML: Documenting security issues in FreeBSD and the FreeBSD Ports Collection

FreeBSD -- Multiple vulnerabilities in libnv

Affected packages
14.1 <= FreeBSD-kernel < 14.1_4
14.0 <= FreeBSD-kernel < 14.0_10
13.3 <= FreeBSD-kernel < 13.3_6
14.1 <= FreeBSD < 14.1_4
14.0 <= FreeBSD < 14.0_10
13.3 <= FreeBSD < 13.3_6


VuXML ID 8d1f9adf-6b4f-11ef-9a62-002590c1f29c
Discovery 2024-09-04
Entry 2024-09-05

Problem Description:

CVE-2024-45287 is a vulnerability that affects both the kernel and userland. A malicious value of size in a structure of packed libnv can cause an integer overflow, leading to the allocation of a smaller buffer than required for the parsed data.

CVE-2024-45288 is a vulnerability that affects both the kernel and userland. A missing null-termination character in the last element of an nvlist array string can lead to writing outside the allocated buffer.


It is possible for an attacker to overwrite portions of memory (in userland or the kernel) as the allocated buffer might be smaller than the data received from a malicious process. This vulnerability could result in privilege escalation or cause a system panic.


CVE Name CVE-2024-45287
CVE Name CVE-2024-45288
FreeBSD Advisory SA-24:09.libnv