FreeBSD VuXML: Documenting security issues in FreeBSD and the FreeBSD Ports Collection

FreeBSD -- Network authentication attack via pam_krb5

Affected packages
13.2 <= FreeBSD < 13.2_2
13.1 <= FreeBSD < 13.1_9
12.4 <= FreeBSD < 12.4_4


VuXML ID 9b0d9832-47c1-11ee-8e38-002590c1f29c
Discovery 2023-08-01
Entry 2023-08-31

Problem Description:

The problem detailed in FreeBSD-SA-23:04.pam_krb5 persisted following the patch for that advisory.


The impact described in FreeBSD-SA-23:04.pam_krb5 persists.


CVE Name CVE-2023-3326
FreeBSD Advisory SA-23:09.pam_krb5