FreeBSD VuXML: Documenting security issues in FreeBSD and the FreeBSD Ports Collection

webkit-gtk2 -- Multiple vulnerabilities

Affected packages
webkit-gtk2 < 1.2.4


VuXML ID 9bcfd7b6-bcda-11df-9a6a-0015f2db7bde
Discovery 2010-09-07
Entry 2010-09-10

Gustavo Noronha Silva reports:

With help from Vincent Danen and other members of the Red Hat security team, the following CVE's where fixed.


CVE Name CVE-2010-1781
CVE Name CVE-2010-1782
CVE Name CVE-2010-1784
CVE Name CVE-2010-1785
CVE Name CVE-2010-1786
CVE Name CVE-2010-1787
CVE Name CVE-2010-1788
CVE Name CVE-2010-1790
CVE Name CVE-2010-1792
CVE Name CVE-2010-1793
CVE Name CVE-2010-2647
CVE Name CVE-2010-2648
CVE Name CVE-2010-3119