FreeBSD VuXML: Documenting security issues in FreeBSD and the FreeBSD Ports Collection

salt -- multiple vulnerabilities

Affected packages
py36-salt < 2019.2.8
3000 <= py36-salt < 3002.5
py36-salt-2019 < 2019.2.8
3000 <= py36-salt-2019 < 3002.5
py37-salt < 2019.2.8
3000 <= py37-salt < 3002.5
py37-salt-2019 < 2019.2.8
3000 <= py37-salt-2019 < 3002.5
py38-salt < 2019.2.8
3000 <= py38-salt < 3002.5
py38-salt-2019 < 2019.2.8
3000 <= py38-salt-2019 < 3002.5
py39-salt < 2019.2.8
3000 <= py39-salt < 3002.5


VuXML ID a1e03a3d-7be0-11eb-b392-20cf30e32f6d
Discovery 2021-02-25
Entry 2021-03-03

SaltStack reports multiple security vulnerabilities in Salt


CVE Name CVE-2020-28243
CVE Name CVE-2020-28972
CVE Name CVE-2020-35662
CVE Name CVE-2021-25281
CVE Name CVE-2021-25282
CVE Name CVE-2021-25283
CVE Name CVE-2021-25284
CVE Name CVE-2021-3144
CVE Name CVE-2021-3148
CVE Name CVE-2021-3197
URL ""