FreeBSD VuXML: Documenting security issues in FreeBSD and the FreeBSD Ports Collection

tiff -- divide-by-zero denial-of-service

Affected packages
linux-tiff < 3.6.0
tiff < 3.6.0
pdflib < 6.0.1
pdflib-perl < 6.0.1
gdal < 1.2.1_2
ivtools < 1.2.3
paraview < 2.4.3
fractorama < 1.6.7_1
0 < iv
0 < ja-iv
0 < ja-libimg


VuXML ID b58ff497-6977-11d9-ae49-000c41e2cdad
Discovery 2002-03-27
Entry 2005-01-18
Modified 2006-06-08

A US-CERT vulnerability note reports:

An Integer overflow in the LibTIFF library may allow a remote attacker to cause a divide-by-zero error that results in a denial-of-service condition.


CERT/CC Vulnerability Note 555304
CVE Name CVE-2004-0804