FreeBSD VuXML: Documenting security issues in FreeBSD and the FreeBSD Ports Collection

xen-kernel -- Information leak through XEN_DOMCTL_gettscinfo

Affected packages
4.0 <= xen-kernel < 4.5.0_3


VuXML ID ce658051-27ea-11e5-a4a5-002590263bf5
Discovery 2015-04-20
Entry 2015-07-11

The Xen Project reports:

The handler for XEN_DOMCTL_gettscinfo failed to initialize a padding field subsequently copied to guest memory.

A similar leak existed in XEN_SYSCTL_getdomaininfolist, which is being addressed here regardless of that operation being declared unsafe for disaggregation by XSA-77.

Malicious or buggy stub domain kernels or tool stacks otherwise living outside of Domain0 may be able to read sensitive data relating to the hypervisor or other guests not under the control of that domain.


CVE Name CVE-2015-3340