FreeBSD VuXML: Documenting security issues in FreeBSD and the FreeBSD Ports Collection

liboqs -- Correctness error in HQC decapsulation

Affected packages
liboqs < 0.12.0


VuXML ID dc087dad-bd71-11ef-b5a1-000ec6d40964
Discovery 2024-11-29
Entry 2024-12-18

The Open Quantum Safe project reports:

A correctness error has been identified in the reference implementation of the HQC key encapsulation mechanism. Due to an indexing error, part of the secret key is incorrectly treated as non-secret data. This results in an incorrect shared secret value being returned when the decapsulation function is called with a malformed ciphertext.

No concrete attack exploiting the error has been identified at this point. However, the error involves mishandling of the secret key, and in principle this presents a security vulnerability.


CVE Name CVE-2024-54137