MFSA 2013-116 JPEG information leak
MFSA 2013-105 Application Installation doorhanger persists on
MFSA 2013-106 Character encoding cross-origin XSS attack
MFSA 2013-107 Sandbox restrictions not applied to nested object
MFSA 2013-108 Use-after-free in event listeners
MFSA 2013-109 Use-after-free during Table Editing
MFSA 2013-110 Potential overflow in JavaScript binary search
MFSA 2013-111 Segmentation violation when replacing ordered list
MFSA 2013-112 Linux clipboard information disclosure though
selection paste
MFSA 2013-113 Trust settings for built-in roots ignored during EV
certificate validation
MFSA 2013-114 Use-after-free in synthetic mouse movement
MFSA 2013-115 GetElementIC typed array stubs can be generated
outside observed typesets
MFSA 2013-116 JPEG information leak
MFSA 2013-117 Mis-issued ANSSI/DCSSI certificate