moz_bug_r_a4 reported several exploits giving an attacker
the ability to install malicious code or steal data,
requiring only that the user do commonplace actions like
click on a link or open the context menu. The common cause
in each case was privileged UI code ("chrome") being
overly trusting of DOM nodes from the content
window. Scripts in the web page can override properties
and methods of DOM nodes and shadow the native values,
unless steps are taken to get the true underlying values.
We found that most extensions also interacted with
content DOM in a natural, but unsafe, manner. Changes were
made so that chrome code using this natural DOM coding
style will now automatically use the native DOM value if
it exists without having to use cumbersome wrapper
Most of the specific exploits involved tricking the
privileged code into calling eval() on an
attacker-supplied script string, or the equivalent using
the Script() object. Checks were added in the security
manager to make sure eval and Script objects are run with
the privileges of the context that created them, not the
potentially elevated privileges of the context calling
Workaround: Disable Javascript