FreeBSD VuXML: Documenting security issues in FreeBSD and the FreeBSD Ports Collection

gnupg -- AEAD key import overflow

Affected packages
2.2.21 <= gnupg < 2.2.23


VuXML ID f9fa7adc-ee51-11ea-a240-002590acae31
Discovery 2020-09-03
Entry 2020-09-03

Importing an OpenPGP key having a preference list for AEAD algorithms will lead to an array overflow and thus often to a crash or other undefined behaviour.

Importing an arbitrary key can often easily be triggered by an attacker and thus triggering this bug. Exploiting the bug aside from crashes is not trivial but likely possible for a dedicated attacker. The major hurdle for an attacker is that only every second byte is under their control with every first byte having a fixed value of 0x04.


CVE Name CVE-2020-25125