FreeBSD VuXML: Documenting security issues in FreeBSD and the FreeBSD Ports Collection

OpenSSH -- Pre-authentication async signal safety issue

Affected packages
openssh-portable < 9.8.p1_1,1


VuXML ID 58750d49-7302-11ef-8c95-195d300202b3
Discovery 2024-08-06
Entry 2024-09-15

The FreeBSD Project reports:

A signal handler in sshd(8) may call a logging function that is not async- signal-safe. The signal handler is invoked when a client does not authenticate within the LoginGraceTime seconds (120 by default). This signal handler executes in the context of the sshd(8)'s privileged code, which is not sandboxed and runs with full root privileges. This issue is another instance of the problem in CVE-2024-6387 addressed by FreeBSD-SA-24:04.openssh. The faulty code in this case is from the integration of blacklistd in OpenSSH in FreeBSD.


CVE Name CVE-2024-7589